About Me
Hi! Im Dr. Reena Gopinathan have been practicing outpatient physical therapy for 18 years.
I have specializations as an Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS) and a Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist (CMTPT).
I am a CranioFacial Therapy Academy (CRAFTA) practitioner, which is a therapy system for head, face and jaw dysfunction and pain.
I received my Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Temple University in 2005 and Yoga Teacher Training (YTT-200) certification from Goa, India in 2016.
I am also a Reiki Master and CranioSacral Therapy practitioner.
This combination of training allows a unique and holistic understanding of the body-mind connection. Its balance significantly improves the natural healing process.
​I felt compelled to open The Wellness Room to have the freedom to integrate all of these aspects into a more comprehensive healing experience. One that can be catered to you and your personal goals.

My Philosophy
Our mind, body, and energy all embody one system.
Modern healthcare often separates these aspects, and even our body parts, as if they all function independently. We intuitively know this is wrong, but it can be difficult to find health care providers that practice in an integrative way.
I like to look at your entire postural system to help you move and function more efficiently with less discomfort.
I like to address the mind-energy aspect of our bodies. Balanced lifestyles are something we often struggle with, yet we know this allow our body to function and heal more efficiently. I find that we often lack the tools to prioritize this. Gaining awareness of the way we think and the way we move is an integral aspect of a balanced life. I can teach you tools that help you gain access to awareness via meditation, Reiki, breathwork and yoga.
Let me help you normalize balance and wellness, and give you the tools to help you do so.